Something we talk about a lot in my Human Development courses is the fact that development is lifelong. It’s not just for children, but we are all growing from the moment we enter this world to the moment we leave it.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think the process of human development applies to our spiritual life too. We don’t just have a massive moment of change when we give our life to Jesus, we also have moments of growth every day after. This is called sanctification, the process of being made holy. The more we learn about Jesus, the more we start to live like him too. Now, that’s the type of development that gets me excited!!
Although growth and sanctification are essential to the development of our faith, there is something that can get in the way of them: pride. Pride is an arrogance about our faith and it can be a barrier to growth because it makes us believe we have “arrived,” when we have really just begun.
As a sinful human race trying to live a life of obedience to God, we have a long road ahead of us. We will fall short of perfection every day, so we have no right to be prideful about our relationship with God or our obedience to him. We must instead be humble. We must recognize God’s perfection in relation to our brokenness and ask him to draw near. We have to learn how to live the way God has called us to; that is why God gave us His Word.
The Bible is our instruction and encouragement for holy living, yet we often approach it passively because we think we have mastered it. When we approach it like that, we’ll never learn anything. Humility, on the other hand, gives us a posture fit for learning which puts us into a position fit for growing.
Proverbs 11:2 says,
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
I just want to be a student of Jesus. I want to sit at his feet, clothed in humility, learning from him. I want his teaching to pierce my heart and transform my life. And, just like development, I want this process to go on for all the days of my life.
Help me approach your word with humility. You are so holy and I have so much to learn. Help me to stop reading scripture with everyone else in mind and start to let it transform my own heart. I know nothing except what you have revealed to me. Would you continue to teach me so I can grow to be more and more like you with every day of my life?
Oh Bowen. This is so good, so valuable and honest. I’m inspired. To God be the glory!